Out of this wood do not desire to go:
Thou shalt remain here, whether thou wilt or no.
I am a spirit of no common rate;
The summer still doth tend upon my state;
And I do love thee: therefore, go with me;
I'll give thee fairies to attend on thee,
And they shall fetch thee jewels from the deep,
And sing while thou on pressed flowers dost sleep;
And I will purge thy mortal grossness so
That thou shalt like an airy spirit go.
Peaseblossom! Cobweb! Moth! and Mustardseed!
Extract of Titania's speech to Bottom, A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare via 1

The Outfit
Blue Maternity Dress: Asos sale
Blue Necklace used as Headband: charity shop
Gold Flipflops: free with a magazine years ago
Bracelet: Granny Penny's
Photographs taken last month at 30 weeks pregnant with twins