as crows fly in the dawn light on the cold hill the deer are running the thud of their hooves on the bed of the stream is the drum that rocks the roots of the birch and the wind that shakes the birch tree’s leaves rain is their tribe song rain is their robe snow is the dust of the bones of deer falling to earth and earth is the dark deep silence of things where you dream yourself human, alive watching the red deer running on the wall of a cave

The Outfit:
Pink Dress: gift from my Mum from a Boden sale a few years ago
Pink Silk Patterned Skirt: made by granny Kiki in the 1950s/60s
Cowboy boots: very old from R Soles
Wooden Bracelet: Granny Penny's
The Soundtrack:
Kate Bush: The Jig Of Life
All photographs taken by me in our garden, self portraits using the self timer.
I'm posting this a bit early as will be very busy over the next few days.
Looking forward to catching up with your new posts over the weekend!